Everyone loves cookies! Especially Little Chefs, so here is my chance to share the love & give you the opportunity to make your own cookies! These are super easy, fun & infinite variations are out there for color & design combinations. Have fun!
Cream Felt
Pink Felt
Cream Thread
Pink Thread Needle
Poly Fill or Wool Stuffing

3. Pull out another arm's length of cream thread (Brown thread shown here for visibility). Double up the thread so it is 2 strands thick & tie a knot in the end & thread it on the needle. Insert the needle between the 2 layers & bring it up through the top layer (frosting layer) only - this is so the knot is hidden between the 2 layers.

This seam will be finished with a Blanket Stitch, which looks nice & neat, but you may finish with the same Whip Stitch as used with the frosting along this edge if you prefer.
Confused about a Blanket Stitch? See this tutorial from Primrose Design.

5. After the cookie is filled, continue your Blanket Stitch & close up the hole. Tie a knot at the starting stitch & take the needle through the middle of the cookie, bringing it out anywhere & cut the thread so it tucks back inside.

You are finished! Looks great, you did it & are on your way to being a Master Felt Pastry Chef. There are endless variations of frosting & cookie color & design combinations to play with. Try different shapes, colors & toppings for each cookie. Think felt, beads, french knots, etc...
I'd love to see what you come up with! Cheers!
These are so cute! ... and simple... I'll have to give it a try.
I'm going to try this too...will let you know the results!
My mom used to make vegetables out of rice paper for us as kids and I've always wanted to do the same for my own kids, except with cloths and felt :).
Yes, if any of you try your hand at the felt goodies, please do share with all of us!
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