I am so excited to be joining such an amazing crop of women...creative, energetic (albeit a little tired), smart women who are balancing their two loves. Family and Business. My name is Abby Larson and I am the editor of Style Me Pretty, a wedding blog for the style savvy bride. I have a 15 month old daughter who has more spunk than I ever thought possible in a child and more personality than I could ever imagine. And she is all girl, which you know I love. Poor thing has no idea what's coming when we start planning HER wedding.
Originally from Houston, Texas, I come from a family of entrepreneurs. My dad has built and sold so many businesses, it's hard to keep track. A frozen yogurt company, a costume jewelery line, an ear laser company. My dad single-handedly taught me just how fun, just how challenging and just how incredibly rewarding being an entrepreneur is, so at the ripe old age of 24, I dove in head first. I started in the wedding industry while living in San Francisco by launching a line of wedding invitations called Abby Jean. I refer to that time in my life as my hard knocks school of business because it was during those three years that I learned everything you can imagine about running a small company. From working with very little cash flow, to marketing yourself, dealing with clients, sales, operations, outsourcing, the works. I sold my business in February of 2007 and although I miss it every now and then, I am very glad to be running a blog instead.

Typical day-in-my-life:
My work day now is from 8AM to 5PM. From 5PM to 7PM, it's all about Audrey. After she falls asleep, I usually pick back up working until about 10PM or so. We have a nanny come in 4 days a week and although I do mostly work from home, we also have a small office down the street. My husband, Tait, quit his Silicon Valley job a year and a half ago to work full time on Style Me Pretty. We have about 10 employees, 4 of which are family members. It's a complete and total zoo of a life but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. Like many of you who are running their own businesses...we grocery shop without lines, we visit the museum without the Saturday crowds. We can stop at any moment and give Audrey a hug or a kiss and we get to hear her squeals of glee from the next room over. As Kate (yes, of Jon and Kate plus 8...lame, I know) would say, "It's a crazy life, but it's our life." And we love every bit of it.
What inspires me:
...people who are living their dreams and succeeding. Babies who wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning. Perfect details, amazing typefaces, succulents. The crisp Fall air, the sound that my computer makes when I hit "publish," the artists and designers who are finding motivation and drive in this sad, sad economy. There is so much that really inspires me but mostly, it's the life that I am living. The fact that I can run a business like Style Me Pretty, with my husband and my daughter one room over. That I get to travel all over and meet such interesting people. That I get to work in my PJ's and watch The View while I write. It's a very, very good gig and I am very blessed little girl to call it my own.
welcome to the team abby! so great to have you be a part of it!
Welcome, Abby!
So great to "meet" you Abby!
welcome !
Welcome Abby, so great to get a tiny glimpse behind the scenes of Style Me Pretty.
I look forward to your posts.
welcome Abby!!!
Welcome, Abby! So great to have you join us :)
hi abby and welcome! i loved your intro post and look forward to reading more.
Thanks guys! So excited to be here.
you already know how I feel about you being a part of this Abby--welcome, welcome, welcome! cat
What a fantastic addition to your team! As a San Francisco based Wedding Consultant and mother of a 2 year old and soon a new baby next month, I LOVE reading Abby's blog and now I have found yours. I love the inspiration you all give to us. Thank you so much!
I must have been hiding under a mountain of elmos =)! Your site is amazing and beautiful. Where were you when I got married? Thank you for sharing.
I adore Style me Pretty and Abby you are such an inspiration. I have a 9 month old little girl and I am starting my own biz and I hope to be as successful as you.
Abby, I've been a huge fan of Style Me Pretty for some time and am really looking forward to reading your posts here. Welcome : )
Just in case the previous 14 comments haven't managed to let you know how excited we are...
Abby, you are a total inspiration and I (we) are super thrilled to have you on board as a designing mom contributor! I look SO forward to reading your posts and hopefully collaborating with you and all the other designing moms as the weeks and months unfold. Welcome welcome welcome!
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