Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Make: Octo-Dogs

by designing mom lori of fin and roe

i made a very special treat for the boys last night. i need to preface this by saying it wasn't my idea. i saw it on a blog or a magazine recently, but have no idea where. if you know, please let me know so i can give credit where credit is due.

ok. so we don't really eat hot dogs in our house very often. i might buy them once a year for the boys, but when i saw these i knew they'd get a kick out of them. i bought some turkey dogs to try to keep it a little healthier and got to work

i cut each dog into 4 pieces and then threaded 4 pieces of spaghetti through each one (so they'd have 8 legs when done).

just throw them in a pot of boiling water and boil like normal until the noodles are done. OCTO-DOGS! i served them up and the boys were in heaven. they thought they were the coolest things on the planet. the little dude even had a second helping which never happens. he was stoked when he found out there were left overs for today.


  1. Thank you! This blog post will be advertised on CraftCrave in the Handcraft category today (look for timestamp: [16 Feb 01:00pm GMT]).

  2. That was in the Feb. 2010 issue of Family Fun. Pg. 20. They called it Squid Dogs. If only I could get my kids to eat hot dogs.

  3. Lori, I meant to tell you that I actually gave this a shot! My son loved the tentacles but didn't want anything to do with the hot dog part. I'm was glad to see this post today.

    Earthy Beginnings

  4. This is the cutest thing! I love it!

  5. love this idea...i think my kids would go crazy!

  6. This is such a great origonal idea. At least I've never seen it before.

    I need to find some kids to eat octo-dogs with!

  7. This is awesome. We are so having this for lunch tomorrow!!!
