Monday, February 15, 2010

A Creative Life: Wiley Valentine

I absolutely love the gals of Wiley Valentine. They are so talented and sweet and I always have fun seeing them and their team at the NY show. They design a heavenly letterpress line that brides always swoon over. When I found out that Rachelle was expecting, I couldn't wait to ask her to give us a little slice of her life as designer and now mom-to-be! Click here to see their work and read on about their Creative Life...

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background
I am a graphic designer by trade, lover of all things paper at heart. I love all things pretty, pink, fairy land, enchanted forest like.

How did Wiley Valentine Start?
Emily (the Wiley half) and I were working at the same boutique graphic design firm. We began to design invitations for our friends and family on the side together, and one day we said "wouldn't it be so great if we could do this full time!?". So planned for about a year and then decided to start our own business specializing in paper delights.

What inspires you?
All things vintage, nature, travel, fashion, dreams.

What are the biggest rewards/challenges to your biz?
Biggest rewards would be working with cilents one on one and creating something totally custom that reflects their personal vision. When we get sweet cards or notes from happy clients saying how much we impacted their lives it really makes it all worth while! Challenges: trying to constantly stay ahead of the game, stay current, constantly trying to think of ways to set us apart.

What's a typical "day in your life like"?
Respond to LOTS of emails. I take care of most of the custom inquiries, so I begin my day with those, and doing any quotes necessary. Then I move on to proofing any jobs that have come in, then revisions on any active jobs, then I move on to any custom projects I may be working on. I end each day by creating my blog post for the next day.


  1. I have been a fan of Wiley Valentine for a very long time. I think these girls are the most talented and amazing artists I know. They are sweet, talented,and always go the extra to make their clients happy. Oh, and did I mention that I am Emily's mom?

    Wendy Wiley Turney
