Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shop: Dreaming of the DreamSwaddle

by Designing Mom Jenn of 13 Creative

As a new mom for the second time (and self-proclaimed product junkie), I keep finding baby products that I'm absolutely in love with for our newborn daughter Hazel. It's hard to justify buying new things for her, considering that this is our second girl - and there's nothing more functional and/or affordable than the ol' Hand-Me-Down! However, product design hasn't stopped in the last two years, since Grace was born. Just the opposite... there are a plethora of "NEW & IMPROVED" items that were created just for ME, to make MY life easier!

Last week, a gift arrived in the mail from a very good friend of mine, who had her first baby two months ago. The gift was a swaddle blanket I'd never heard of, or seen before, with a note card attached that said "I can't live without this". I was skeptical. I am skeptical by nature, in fact, and thought that nothing was better than the Kiddopotamus SwaddleMe blankets that I discovered when we had Grace two years ago. How could there be something better that I'd never even heard of!

It turns out that this swaddle blanket, called the DreamSwaddle, comes from New Zealand and is made by a company called Mum2Mum. It also turns out, that I was completely wrong, and there IS in fact a better swaddle blanket than the SwaddleMe by Kiddopotamus!! With a lot of hesitation, I decided to try this new oh-so-amazing swaddle blanket one night while we were still in the hospital and Hazel slept like a champ... for HOURS! What's a new mom to do, but fall in love immediately with anything that facilitates sleep! Not to mention, I could also change her diaper, while she was sleeping, without having to remove or open the swaddle blanket. It also helped that all of the nurses in the hospital nursery kept "ooohing" and "aaaaahing" over this incredible swaddle blanket. It seemed that this product might be, dare I say it, "perfect"! So, of course, one was not enough... and now I needed two!

Once home from the hospital, I started to google this swaddle blanket that I had convinced myself was worthy of "Ripley's Believe It or Not"... but it was seeming like this DreamSwaddle might be a figment of my imagination because it was NOWHERE to be found (unless, of course I lived in New Zealand). The company's website directed me to the International online retailer for the US, however, after I selected the size and the color I wanted, there was no purchase button! I must have refreshed that screen 70 times! There were YouTube videos about this incredible product, but just about nowhere to purchase the damn thing online. I even tried to find the blanket on Canadian websites, thinking the shipping costs wouldn't be that bad!! I NEEDED this product. I WANTED this product. I even convinced my husband that this was worthy of breaking the "we don't need anything for this baby" rule and splurging on a new item, and yet I couldn't get it!

After a long while on the internet last night I found a website I'd never heard of ( that seems to carry the DreamSwaddle. While normally I like to know the online company I'm giving all my personal and credit card information to, it didn't matter - and I found myself entering my billing info, shipping address, and credit card's 3-digit code without hesitation, all in less than 3 minutes. I have NO idea whether or not this DreamSwaddle is going to show up. I'm expecting the worst, but hoping for the best! If all else fails, I'm going to call the boutique in New Jersey where my friend got hers from, and see if they can send one to me. Just in case any of you are as intrigued, here is the store's info:
The Birth Boutique (973) 627-8850.

Here's a link to this "must-have" item, along with the youtube video. Hopefully this can bring the same magic to your baby's sleepless nights, as it did mine -- if you can get it!


  1. Oh dear. I just have my second 5 months ago... My entire pregnancy I barely bought anything for her, saying that I would just reuse everything from my 2.5yo son... But its so hard. I never have the nesting instinct while pregnant, I have it right after they are born when I want everything to be pretty and perfect and new for them... Bad news. And, as the new "Green Mom" on this blog-I have to say reusing is better. But its hard when there are so many cool things out there!

  2. It's Jenn here...

    As a post script - the swaddle blanket showed up the NEXT day (after I wrote this post) and Hazel has been swaddled to perfection ever since. I lerve this item like crazy & can't say enough about it!
