Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Thank You Mommas!

Just wanted to give a BIG, heartfelt thank you to my fellow Designing Moms who pitched in to guest blog for me these past weeks. I loved reading each and every post and am constantly inspired by all of you.

As some of you know, I gave birth a few weeks ago to a baby boy! And I'm not the only one...BIG congratulations also go out to fellow Moms Shinmin and Aya who had beautiful, healthy babies just recently.

above: these gorgeous flowers are by one of my
favorite floral designers, Natalie Bowen.

Needless to say, as a new rookie mom I have been so thankful for the wonderful support I've received from my fellow Designing Moms and all of you readers. When I first started this blog I wanted to get with all of the creative moms out there and it has well exceeded that.

Keep on sending your inspirational posts (hmmm...and maybe some advice for fussy babies :)?)!



  1. congratulations shinmin, aya, and cat! i'm sure you are enjoying your new little bundles to the fullest!

  2. congratulations!
