Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Story: Back to School Goodies

by Designing Mom Jackie of Avocado and Papaya

The back-to-school vibe is definitely alive at our house. Both of my kids will be off to new schools this year, so it's a double dose of excitement and anxiety around here. The latter for me, not the littles, who probably won't shed a single tear while I soak up an entire box of Kleenex post-drop off. Okay, maybe they'll give me a sniffle or two.

Just like Christmas, there is a sense that you are supposed to flee to the stores and buy lots of stuff in honor of this momentous occasion. While I'm pretty minimal when it comes to the Santa Claus business, I'm koo koo for the whole back to school thing. It's my inner nerd coming out.

Something tells me Graham probably won't be needing a straight edge or scientific calculator on day one of kindergarten, but how about a cute backpack and some new sneaks?

Here's my collection of goodies for big G:
1. Mead composition book
2. 77 nautical striped hoodie
3. Skull beanie
4. Paul Frank backpack
5. Number two pencils
6. Puffy vest
7. Pink pearl eraser
8. Rocket T
9. Converse One Star Oxfords

(You might notice that pants are missing from this list. Graham only likes sweat pants these days. Nothing terribly cute or exciting about those, so I'm skipping a visual.)

What are your favorite back to school purchases???


  1. I homeschool. So my comment probably will help much, but my back to school shopping list was a desk... you can read about it my blog. sincerelyciel =D

  2. What a lovely and inspiring blog! I´ll be back ;-)
