Monday, August 30, 2010

Decorate: Baby Girl Room...for the Frill of It!

by Designing Mom Ryan Larson of Tin Parade
I didn’t set out to make a Baby Girl Room for my baby girl.
I always thought I’d be the mommy who didn’t try to raise a frilly little puffy pink tutu’d little girl….and then…I started designing her room…granted I was pregnant and so I think I can blame it a little bit on hormones right? Regardless of how or why I went…there….I did.  And I have to say…I love it! I love sitting in her room in the rocking chair and looking around at her little pink, soft, sweet, fluffy room.  It makes me feel a little soft and fluffy myself…not a bad thing after a long day.  It becomes comedy though as that little pink fluffy princess of a girl rips her bottle out of her mouth and yells “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” to the kitty cat who wants to jump up on her rocking chair. 
Here are some pictures of what is now…well…the precious part of my house.
Palette: Creamy off-white, antiqued silver, tan linen and blush pink.
I made this mobile by taking apart a chandelier and using just the top ring of it and then hanging silver bird Christmas ornaments in a spherical fashion.
I painted an old armoire blush pink and took the top doors off and put the changing table right inside.
This is the crib bed skirt.  I made it myself (with a little help from my mother. Thanks mom!) It’s layered ruffles. The top layer has scattered (sewn on) raw edged pieces of chiffon, the middle layer is classic linen and the bottom layer is ruffled chiffon.
These are the curtains. I made them from torn edge chiffon and tan linen that is also unfinished on the edge so it gets stringy. I LOVE that! Again, I made this myself…with a little help from my girlfriend Stacy (Stacy with the red hair as my son calls her) Thanks Stacy!
This pillow was started by me..but I can’t lie. My mom finished it. I just couldn’t deal with one more ruffle!
The paint on the walls is a creamy off-white as is the chair rail. I also did one wall in a paintable textured wallpaper that has a flocked vintage design in it. I’d add a photo but it doesn’t show up that well in photos.
Hope you enjoyed this sweet room or at least had a good laugh at my frilly expense.

1 comment:

  1. Our nursery is the most tranquil room in the house too. I love all the ruffles you used!
