Monday, October 19, 2009

A Creative Life: Zakka Life

I happened on the creative blog Zakka Life recently and fell for both Jessica's inventive crafts and her adorable little muses, Evan and Morgan. I so appreciate how many of her crafts are invented from things around the house (I've included some favorites below). Jessica was gracious enough to give us a little peek into her life as mom, blogger and craft maestro today.

If you haven't already paid a visit to Zakka Life, make sure you click here to check it out!

Can you tell me a little bit yourself and how Zakka Life got started?

Looking back through my life, I’ve always been crafting or creating something. I feel like it’s what I was meant to do. I obtained two degrees, one in Graphic Design and the other in Business. But not until I had kids did I really decide to pursue what I love, crafting. Staying home with my children gave me time think about what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be. For me this was a good time to take risks with my professional life and so I created Zakka.

I started Zakka Life three years ago. I had just discovered the craft blog world and was fascinated by it. I was reading blogs like Wee Wonderfuls and Molly Chicken at the time. These sites inspired me to create my own blog.

What inspires your creative crafts? How do you find time and energy to come up with them?

Everyday life and necessity are often the inspiration for many of my crafts. It could be that I need to make a Halloween costume for one of my children or a decoration for a birthday party.

I’ve been fortunate where the ideas just come to me. Finding time to make them is another story. Many of my crafts are created when the kids are at school or asleep. If I’m lucky, sometimes I can involve them in the creative process.

What are some of your all-time favorite craft projects?

Ever since I was a child, I’ve enjoyed origami. I still like to fold paper into cranes and other little items. Another favorite is the art of mizuhiki (paper cords). I like to make knots for embellishing cards, packages, and hairclips.

What's a typical day-in-your-life like?

After I send the kids off to school, I get down to business. I check stats, answer emails, and visit craft sites and social networks. Next, I work on craft projects, document the projects with photos, digitally enhance the photos if need be and create the post for the site. By this time it’s time to pick up one of the kids. Then I’m busy doing the normal day to day stuff, shopping, cleaning, cooking, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Those jellybean cupcake holders are great! Great blog. Thanks for sharing.
