Monday, October 19, 2009

Our Projects: What's in My Sketchbook...

I thought it'd be fun to start a new group project and call on the Designing Moms to let us see some of the sketches behind their ideas and products. Today's inspiration comes from Guissell. This is an ongoing series so if any of you out there have sketches of your own please send them on over to share!
by Designing Mom Guissell

I almost never doodle designs mainly because I am far more comfortable doing so directly onto
Illustrator. As a matter of fact, this is actually the only sketch that is found in my trusty notebook. I doodled this whilst standing in a subway cart on my way back to Queens to pick up my son. I had been thinking about doing something to benefit charity:water and the image came to mind right then and there... I ended up naming this Give & Care Collection dedicated to charity:water and their outstanding work.

To learn more about charity:water and their work visit

1 comment:

  1. Now that is a prime example of how simple a sketch can be and how great the outcome.
    Sketches are a creative person's note-taking, love it!
