Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Best of our Blogs: Monster Surfboard

This ultra creative post is a favorite of Designing Mom Aya.  She along with other designers were asked to customize skate decks that were auctioned off for an AIGA fundraiser.  I am not surprised at all to see how "Where the Wild Things Are" and her boy Hayden ended up inspiring the design (after all, take a look at the cute Halloween costume she was crafting).
Read on to see how she designed the board and to view the full post click here. 

 I “heart” brown. – Aya Akazawa (me!)
“I was very charmed by the simple and natural feel of the plain deck, and immediately drawn to the idea of creating something that will retain these qualities. Then I thought of production methods that might work with this material. I couldn’t start working on this until Halloween was over, because Halloween IS a serious business here at Chronicle (but that is a story for another day.) So I had about two days to produce and wanted to do it by my hands, which narrowed down my options quite a bit. I am a big fan of Rex Ray and I thought that was my primary inspiration for this particular piece, but as my friend pointed out, the Carol costume that I was making for my little Hayden must have been subliminally driving my path of thinking to a crafty direction.”

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