Monday, August 2, 2010

Shop: San Francisco Renegade Craft Fair

The Renegade Craft Fair this past weekend was so much fun!  I'm posting up some of the great work (and designers) I saw there.  With soooo much talent you really can't go wrong at the much so I'll be splitting up coverage into several posts this week.  Enjoy!

Starting off below: We somehow thought the line for the Country Western show up the hill was for the fair... But hey, craft fairs can have headliners too right?  Lisa Congdon was the belle of the ball! 

Field Fancy (below): There were so many beautiful and delicate prints offered by Gina Pericini at Flock Home.  Her delicate field animals and linen printed pillows were some of my favorites.  And hooray for Gina who is expecting a little one!    

below:  Viola Sutanto of Chewing the Cud surrounded her booth with her beautiful, versatile fabric wraps.  As a new mommy, her daughter surely must be the new muse for such inspired work! 

below: "Converse-ational" Pieces: These hand painted shoes by Meryl Munches Macaroni made my day.  From Vans to Converse to little ballet natural favorites were the peanut-sized versions. 


  1. Hey! This is Meryl (Miss Macaroni) thanks for the awesome shout out!!!!!! I'm glad you enjoyed Renegade, I know I did! :)

  2. so jealous...wanted to go but couldn't make it happen. looks like a wonderful event!

  3. Thanks for coming out to the fair and writing this amazing post!! We had a total blast in SF. Make sure to check in with our blog for the Renegade Re-Cap

    Warm Regards!
    -The Renegade Team
