Friday, August 13, 2010

Shop: Acorn Envy

This has a very Autumnal mood to it but it might be due to the fact that it was another very, very cold Summer day in San Francisco... Think pea soup fog, mist, and 54 degrees on the dash (yes, 54 degrees)!  Needless to say, we're hoping to escape some of this over the weekend.
Hope all of you have a Happy Friday and weekend!

above:  Tea Towel, Handmade Acorns, Squirrel Booties, Acorn Stacker Toy, Placecard


  1. How cute is that little acorn gift tag? That would look great on an autumn birthday present.

  2. I've been nuts over gifts tags lately... ooohh, that was a bad pun wasn't it?!

  3. Really cute blog!

    Following from MBC, I started @ the bottom of the list because members were me. :) if you could come check me out too!
