Wednesday, August 4, 2010

San Francisco Renegade Craft Fair..,part 3

I'm wrapping up the last of the finds from Renegade today...  Maybe it was the sun filtering through into the warehouse, but it seemed everywhere I looked, there were so many happy, happy colors popping through on pillows, prints and plateware...

below: I was smitten with the San Fran print and happy, orange day-glo pillows from Lorena Siminovich of Petit Collage.

below: Hue Yang's ceramic mugs and plates had such sunny dispositions on the inside...

below: My favorite print of Hillary Bird's was a feathered girl with bear.  Adorable!

below:  First prize for Lulu Dee...

below:  Pinecone and Chickadee onesies created a nice little rainbow backdrop.

below:  an absolutely charming growth chart made by Ink Lore

1 comment:

  1. Some of those prints are adorable - I especially love the little girl with the bear!
