Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Make: Felt Baby Counting Book

by Designing Mom Aya at Chronicle Books

I don’t know why, but I have been very keen on felt as a material. When a local Graphic Design organization, AIGASF, invited me to custom design a skateboard to auction off at their fundraiser, I ran to a fabric store and bought a pile of felt sheets to construct my design. While working on this project, I saw my little boy sitting next to me flipping the felt sheets like a book. That was when a light bulb went off in my head with a cartoon speech bubble that said, “I should make a book for him out of felt!”.

I used a thick, embroidery thread and tried to create different kinds of textures as I stitched. The extra long bookmarks aren't necessarily for him to remember hid place in the book (“was I reading 2? Or was it 3?”), but were added just because he loves tabs and strings. We’ve given him more books since then, but he still likes pointing to things in this book and dragging it around the house.

1 comment:

  1. This is so clever and beautiful! I don't crochet or knit so this is something I could attempt at sittings.
