Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father's Day Fotos: Dear Ol' Dad

And to cap it off...this one is a reminder to celebrate not just the dads of our little ones, but our dads as well.

above: some of Designing Mom Jenn's favorite photos with her amazing dad

Well, it's father's day this weekend, and you've asked for pics of our dads. I know that the focus here is supposed to be on my children's dad, but I wanted to make sure to honor my own dad this weekend. While my two little girls have a fantastic daddy, I wouldn't be where I am without my own dear ol' dad.

My dad taught me to be creative, to be passionate and to be courageous. My dad taught me that the "squeaky wheel gets the oil"! My dad taught me about his art, and let me teach him back about mine. My dad is the only person I know who can go to the art store with me and stay with me in the pen section for an hour, discussing the merits of one pen or another. My dad is my hero, my best friend and a really supreme mentor who I'd be lost without. I love you daddy!

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