Tuesday, May 18, 2010

NSS Highlights...

I've been in NY the past few days at the National Stationery Show to debut new products from our line. The funny thing about shows like that is that you are so entrenched in the biosphere of your own little space that it's hard to get out and roam and visit with all of the other amazing lines as much as one would like. Grace at Design Sponge has always had amazing coverage of it and I must confes that I glean more from her than my own explorations!

We were lucky enough for Grace to include our new baby milestones calendar (below) in the coverage. And I absolutely loved the baby themed products put out by Enormous Champion and Ink and Wit (photos 2 and three below). Click here to see the full D*Sponge post!


  1. Congrats Cat! Where can we find that baby milestones calendar of yours - it looks like the perfect low-impact approach!

  2. Thanks Mari! We'll be posting up retailers when they ship out and they'll also be available via our etsy site (http://www.etsy.com/shop/catseto) come end of June :).
