Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Creative Life: Mazie Kane

by Designing Mom Liberty of Libby Dibby

On Amy at Mazie Kane (photos taken by our friend Sonja)...

What is a day in your life like?
A typical day for me begins around 6:30am when I am thrust into the craziness of getting 2 of my 3 kids off to school. The rest of the day varies with errands, a trip to the gym or a quick jog hopefully, and time spent with my youngest son. If I am working on orders or creating new pieces, I usually begin them sometime in the middle of my day before it's time to pick up my kids, begin homework or take them to classes or practices. And then of course there's dinner, bedtime and me collapsing on the couch for a new episode of Lost or SYTYCD!

How do you juggle motherhood and art?
It is sometimes difficult for me to juggle motherhood and art. I try and fit it in throughout the day if I can, since I'm just about useless at night. As a previous dancer, I still love taking dance classes and that is the most challenging. I do try and squeeze in a class here or there, but not as often as I would like.

Where do you draw on for inspiration?
I am inspired by vintage findings, especially if they are wood or some sort of metal. I also love discovering new, pretty papers. And I am always inspired and in awe of other etsy artists as well as the displays at Anthropologie!

How do you recharge your creative batteries?
If I want to recharge my creative batteries, I will check out the Pasadena Rose Bowl Flea Market or take a dance class. Both can really feed my soul.

What's one thing on your creative to do list?
One thing on my creative "to do" list is to become more proficient at sewing.

If you could do one thing this year that was totally frivolous - what would it be?
If I could do one thing this year that was totally frivolous, it would include a spa somewhere with wonderful girlfriends and some great food and wine.

1 comment:

  1. i love mazie kane! i have given some of her work as gifts - very high quality and just down right adorable!
