Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Shop: Baby Wearing

I've since come to discover I am pretty uninformed when it comes to baby carriers...the Bjorn was given as a shower gift, and then I graduated to a standard black Ergo after that (which I love but wish it was a little more snazzy). My friend Ziehyun has become and expert on this subject and sent over some of her favorites. She's having a Mei Tai custom made for her. If only I had known I could customize my own fabrics (I'd probably use an old, crazy vintage patchwork) to my carrier! Are any of you fans of particular baby carriers? Let us know!

above: carrier by Beco.

This baby carrier is like an Ergo but you can customize your own fabrics or choose from a myriad of prints. It's made by Olive and Applesauce in Ann Arbor.

Above: Mei Tais have been worn for hundreds of years in Asia. They're known for comfort and versatility in wearing your baby. The adorable one above is made by Little Ru Baby. The cost varies, but you can get many under the price of a Bjorn or Ergo. Ziehyun has been eyeing this one.

Ultimately, Ziehyun is getting a reversible mei tai custom made (above is the style she's choosing) for only $54. Click here to visit the Etsy shop. Can't wait to see her adorable baby in it! Thanks for sharing info with us Z! For more info in baby wearing you can also go to thebabywearer.com.


  1. cute! way better than the less than snazzy bjorn. too bad my little guy would give me a hernia at this point if i tried carrying him around all day...

  2. Hi that mei tai was actually made by me, Brianna from Little Ru Baby NOT by Olives and Applesauce.
    You can find me here www.littlerubaby.etsy.com and here http://www.flickr.com/photos/mamasuperb/sets/72157621058521586/

  3. annnnnnnd I read the captions the wrong way *blush* my mei tai is the unlabeled one :)

  4. I had a Patapum Toddler, and loved it!

  5. Hi Brianna--
    Wonderful work! And I've tagged your site to the photo--thanks for writing!

  6. It's funny, I actually make and sell ring style sling on my etsy site... www.libertyworth.etsy.com -this was the style I used with my first 3 babies..., but with our last foster baby who was abnormally big and only wanted to face frontward - i.e. not strong enough to hold himself well, but still needing to be held all the time, I found even my slings had limits.
    The ones that I found to work for him were these... www.loveyduds.etsy.com
    really nice, and they come with a DVD on how to use them.
