Thursday, April 1, 2010

Make: Dairy, Egg, Nut Free Recipes

There are so many friends I know who have little ones suffering from food allergies. I think many of you might find fellow reader Ryan's new site to be of use. Click here to visit Will's Kitchen and read on about her recipes.

From Ryan: As some of you know, Will was 4 months old when he was diagnosed with several food allergies, most severely eggs, cow's milk, tree nuts and peanuts. Now that he is two years old, these allergies have remained at high levels and although there is a good chance that he will eventually grow out of them, we do not take any chances and have practically eliminated the allergens from our daily lives. In the process of doing this, we have had to make numerous adjustments, which - have surprisingly made us healthier!

One major change, aside from dietary, is that we spend a great deal of time now in the kitchen cooking and baking -- which, as it turns out, is something that Will loves to do! In this process, we have started creating our own recipes while modifying old favorites. Do you have a recipe that fits in with our restrictions? Or, do you have a dish that you would like to see us modify? If so, please send it over to us and we will let you know how it goes... and of course we will give you proper credit as the original chef.

In the interim, food allergies - especially among children, are on the increase. Recent numbers show that as many as 6% are born with a food allergy with peanuts being among the highest at 37%... We are sure that you know someone that deals with this issue on a daily basis as we do and may only benefit from our fun, online experiment.


  1. For my daughter's birthday party, we had guests with peanut, dairy, and gluten allergies. I made the Bittman basic brownie recipe with gluten-free flour, margarine, and cocoa instead of unsweetened chocolate. The recipe does have eggs, but it is nut-free, peanut free, dairy free, and gluten free. They turned out pretty good - a little "gooey" (but who cares with brownies), awesome chocolate flavor. I even had gluten-free sprinkles to put on top.

  2. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [02 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  3. Go Ry Go! We love Will's Kitchen!
