Monday, March 29, 2010

Story: Sweet Celebrations

What a treat (literally) to be invited to Designing Mom Shinmin's "First Birthday of Pies" for her daughter Mila! I had to share some pics from the weekend...

above: the Evite was the perfect teaser... if you dont' know already,
Shinmin of I Dream of Cake is a baking guru

above: you couldn't ask for a more beautiful day out on
Crissy Field. Baby bottles served as mini-vases.

Happy Birthday Mila! Hope you had a very special day...


  1. happy birthday sweet mila! i'm sorry we missed the party. we all want a rain check on the pie - they look SO good! shin you look so happy and glowy...motherhood suits you indeed!

  2. wait a second, a year has gone by already? time surely flies!! Happy Belated to sweet little Mila who I swear was just born yesterday! Very cute both Mommy and birthday girl!

  3. What a sweet party! We are doing a pie themed birthday next month for a sweet gal turning 5. Thanks for the extra inspiration.
