Monday, March 8, 2010

Make: Mini Travel Coloring Book

Remember the Designing Moms Downloadable Coloring Book that Tori asked us to participate in? My intern Freya decided to get inspired by the free downloadables and created a mini coloring book that opens up accordion style and can fit into a little one's pocket or mommy's purse. They also make fun little party favors or kid coasters too. I made sure to have Freya write down and photograph the process. Let me know if you have any other fun ideas with the downloadables!

(2) 3.5" x 3.5" acrylic/vinyl squares
(1) 5" x 19" white matte paper
(1) paper scoring tool
(1) mini squeegee blade
(1) can of spray mount

Step 1: Cut down 3.5" x 3.5" neon acrylic/vinyl squares for your coloring book cover.

Step 2: Print out the downloadable coloring book using matte paper including the outside markers for your page fold. (Be sure the length of the paper is at least 5" x 19" if you want to make it double sided.)

Step 3: Take a thick paper stock or ruler to use as a wall for your paper scoring tool, and line up your outside markers for your page folds.
Step 4: Take some scratch paper or and lay it out on the ground outside for spray mounting.
Step 5: Lay your neon acrylic piece on the scratch paper and spray lightly 1-2 seconds over the acrylic in the center of the piece.

Step 6: Take one of your end pages of the book and place evenly on the acrylic piece.

Step 7: Use your mini squeegee blade to press down and swipe from the center towards the outer edge of your end page to even out the adhesive.

Step 8: Repeat steps 4-6 for the other end of your book


  1. how great is this!! awesome!!

  2. wow! i am dying of the cuteness! please tell freya thank you! she is a creative genius. :)

  3. She is so creative, I love this! I'll be linking.
