Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Make: Photo Alphabet

Author and blogger Shona sent this creative photo exercise you can accomplish with your kids. Click here to visit her blog and get the tutorial!


  1. Thank you! This blog post will be advertised on CraftCrave in the Handcraft category today (look for timestamp: [24 Feb 01:00pm GMT]).

  2. I have just completed reading Shona's new book The Artistic Mother. It is very inspiring.

    I have joined together with other artsy moms from other blogs, and we are going to go through the 12-week art course from Shona's book together to encourage one another to build the habit of doing a little art each day. We will be blogging about our progress. At the end of each week, we will post links to all of the other blogs doing this with us so people can click around and check out the progress from all of the other blogs. We would love for as many women as possible to join us. Would you mind help us in getting the word out by doing a little post about it and refer them to my blog so they can get started? I hope to hear from you. Thank you so much.


  3. This is a project that has been on my to do list with the kids forever! Thanks for the reminder to get moving on it and see what we are able to create!
