Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Balance: Working at Home

by Designing Mom Ryan of Tin Parade

Take a sneak at our work “meeting” this past week……..

Hi Mama’s.

Kristen and I at Tin Parade often get asked by other mom’s, how we do it. We have met so many mothers who love the idea of starting a business and they aren’t sure how that fits into their every day life. Well first, it doesn’t fit into EVERY day life. There have been WEEKS actually that we find it hard to even return an email. For us, we decided at the beginning, and together, that the kids (the short people as I call them) come first. And second, its ever changing really. As their ages and schedules change, we change the time and way that we work. Right now, Kristen has one in elementary school, one in preschool and one at home. I have one in preschool and one at home. So…during preschool hours we many times have a “playdate” for the little ones…they don’t understand we are “working”…they are having a great time playing with each other's toys and we use the opportunity to get some things done together. I wouldn’t say it’s perfect…and some days it works better than other days…of course we need quiet time to work as well…we find 45 minutes to an hour and a half here and there throughout the week…during a nap…a few shared babysitting hours…in the evening…on the weekend when our husbands are home…and outside of that..we split tasks and responsibilities so that each of us can work at home in other found moments on our own. Some of our best “meetings” have been during our morning runs.

Above: Here is Kristen's old school (vintage?) Day-Runner...next toRyan'sBlackberry... Yes Kristen, the Day-Runner grew up! Notice the kids' breakfast?

Some business’s do require more focused time and you’ll have to weigh how much help you need…you may need a few hours of babysitting and you may need a full time nanny. Even then, how wonderful to get to be home with them. You may remember I have another business (Savoir Flair Weddings) and I do have a part time nanny for the time I put to that business as I need to be able to make quiet phone calls and such. It all depends on the kind of work you are doing…I guess what I’m saying is that it’s doable…it always is…you just have to FIND the way that it will work for you. And it IS worth it. It is rewarding to do something for yourself and it’s important. If you just start chipping away at your idea stolen moment by moment…it WILL take form and you’ll find your way…I really believe that….The hardest thing is to START. There’s never a better moment than the present. Go for it.


  1. what a great post. I work from home with my four year old and my seven year old who is a home learner...did I mention I'm a single parent...so I agree it's all about the flow, it's also about working late at night and teaching the girls to be independent...and often it is easier with a friend over to visit...wishing every one a productive day :)

  2. i can totally relate! the definition of "working at home" definitely takes on some interesting meanings once the littles come into your life.

  3. Great post(0: You girls are doing a fabulous job juggling it & keeping those "short people" #1.

  4. It's always so valuable to hear how others are finding their way through all of this! One thing I've noticed is to adjust my big fat pre-momma-sized goals with the understanding that things will take a little longer than they used to.
    Ok. A lot longer.
