Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Story: One Good Year

by Designing Mom Ryan Larson of Tin Parade

I’m a bit late on posting my holiday card. I know you have seen many and are well on your way into the new year, so thank you for allowing me one last New Year hurrah.

Our card sums up best as titled; One Good Year. A year filled with so many contradictory emotions…Happiness (new baby)…Fear (my husbands kidneys were failing from a genetic disease)….Frustration (trying to sort through the process of testing donors)….Amazement (at all the family and friends who offered a kidney as well as their love and support)….Gratitude (for his darling cousin Alison who came to Los Angeles and underwent surgery for us…we are forever grateful)…Relief (that this daunting time of our lives was over)…and finally…Joy (life actually did become normal again; we are healthy; we are all together; we are a family).

The photo on our card was shot by Laura Grier at Beautiful Day Photography in Los Angeles. We shot it in our 50’s kitchen. I don’t want to explain it away. I think you can get the meaning behind the photo. The “recipe” was the back of the card. Happy New Year! Here’s to wishing all of us a healthy, happy and blessed new year.


  1. What a crazy, amazing year! It's wonderful how sometimes the worst things work out in the end!
    I LOVE your photo it's fantastic!

  2. Sending prayers and good wishes for your family to have a wonderful year in 2010!

    Love the card!

    Barbara Diane

  3. Best wishes for a wonderful and healthy 2010 - You have a beautiful family!

  4. Definitely my most favorite card of all time and I have been carrying it in my purse since I received it. I doubt there's a friend of mine who hasn't seen it either.
    It was one crazy year and we are wrapped in gratitude!

  5. It was definately my favorite card and it is still hanging up in my kitchen! I hope you have a wonderful year.

  6. Oh. My. God. You are just so darn creative. I absolutely love this! That is why you are my Fairy God Planner:)

  7. You really are that family and my heros!
    Best picture of the year!

    Love, Stacy
