Monday, January 18, 2010

Our Projects: What's in My Sketchbook

Thought I'd switch it up for Monday and show you what's in the sketchbook of talented Designing Mom Aya and her work with a few creative titles from Chronicle Books. Our bambinos share a wonderful nanny together and I look forward to them being partners in crime (or...hopefully design!) together. I also look forward to seeing more of Aya's future Chronicle releases!
*On that note: keep reading because I will have a great party book from Chronicle to give away right after this post...

from Designing Mom Aya: (above) My sketches when I was illustrating patterns for a product called CD packaging kit. The kit comes with 25 stickers to decorate CDs and I draw 5 patterns with a nature inspired theme which I called it Candy Orchard :) Cd2 is the front of the finished kit box.

above: My sketch for a layout of book called The Pillow Book. It’s a how-to book on sewing DIY decorative pillows. As you can see, I wanted to have some kind of ornamental frame to hold text on the right hand page. I tried a few different things, but in the end, I actually stitched a frame on a fabric and used its scan. This was fun.

above: My sketch that I sent to a photographer, Leigh Beisch, to show the kind of photograph that I wanted for a chapter opener of a cookbook called Sticky Chewy Messy Gooey. The second photo is the final sticky-chewy-goodness that Leigh captured for me. Yum! Leigh is a local photographer, and while she doesn’t “design” she is a creative mom of a super adorable little girl :)


  1. i loved seeing your's so fun to see how an idea starts.

  2. i loved seeing your sketches as well! you have such a dream job. :)

  3. Thank you! I am so fortunate to have a job that I love. I felt a bit shy about sharing my poorly drawn sketches, but so glad to hear that you enjoyed them nonetheless :)
