Monday, January 25, 2010

A Creative Life: Amy of Mod Podge Rocks

I have to admit something... Before Designing Moms, I had never heard of Mod Podge. Or rather, I had heard of it but never really knew of its wondrous crafty powers or that it was the "world's most famous medium." I was slightly intimidated by the name and fairly convinced I would never have the need for it. Wrong. There are so many moms I know who live/die/swear by it. And their designery crafts are amazing. This is where Amy Anderson comes in. She is behind the popular, craftastic blog, Mod Podge Rocks. I am already hooked and am looking to Amy for expert guidance into my first foray with this wonder glue. If you haven't checked out her blog, click here. I'm sure you'll find not only Mod Podge to rock, but Amy as well! Read on to hear about her Creative Life and how Mod Podge Rocks got started.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background
I was born in Seattle to a creative and an engineer. It's kind of a great combination because I always had a knack for school (thanks Dad) and my creative side was supported as well (thanks Mom). I actually have a undergrad degree in Forestry and a masters in Business. I started my career in science and am now in a more creative marketing job - thanks to a SLOW career switch that took several years. I liked science in school, but as a full-time job? It didn't work for me. It's funny how you can try to plan your life, but ultimately what happens is what was meant to happen. I've stopped making big plans.
I live in Georgia now, work full-time and run my blog Mod Podge Rocks on the side. Mod Podge Rocks is such a fabulous outlet to express myself as well as share the creativity of others. I post myself once a week and other Mod Podgers the rest of the time. I consider myself to be a friendly eccentric. I like dogs, the color blue, fast cars, polka dots and stripes.

How did Mod Podge Rocks start?
Honestly, Mod Podge drew me in with the retro label and a decoupage craft curiosity. I began using Mod Podge only a few years ago, but I jumped in full force! I spent hours on the internet visiting many blogs and crafty sites, absorbing how other creative people were decoupaging and using Mod Podge. I did a few projects myself and decided there needed to be ONE place to collect decoupage inspiration. Mod Podge Rocks was born! I wish I had a picture of the first version. You would laugh. It's changed so much, only for the better.

What inspires you?
Definitely browsing other blogs - I'm on them so much that crafty blogs are probably the number source. I also have a collection of craft magazines and books that I love to look through. I've actually made an inspiration book with images pieced together from the internet and other blogs. I also include bits of paper, fabrics, paint chips - whatever patterns and colors strike me. When I need a little creative push, I browse my crafty pubs and then my inspiration book. A final source is actually craft stores. Seeing the goods on the shelf gets my mind turning, as well as any new crafty products that have come out. I'm constantly browsing for new things.

I know this might be difficult...but what are some of your all-time favorites craft projects?
It's SO hard for me to pick Mod Podge projects because I love everything I post, which is why I post it! I did pick three projects that tickle me outside of the realm of decoupage:
--Patchwork Placemat and Potholder.
--Dutchbydesign Clock .
--Button Pillow .
Greatest rewards and challenges about writing/running Mod Podge Rocks?
Getting to know other creative women (and the occasional dude) is SO wonderfully amazing. I can't believe how kind and supportive everyone has been. I have the best readers in the whole world! The most difficult thing is DEFINITELY keeping up with e-mail. I'm a first born child so I don't like to disappoint anyone. . . so when I'm behind on e-mails it makes me feel bad. The good news is that everyone is always understanding about the delays.

Tell us about a typical-day-in-your-life!
I wake up much earlier than I want to, then stop and get a Starbucks and head to work. I spend lunch hours blogging or creating projects - sometimes answering e-mails. I come home, walk the dogs, craft and blog. Definitely sprinkled in there is visiting a friend, reading and other fun pursuits. I love to hang out with my dogs and my loved ones, but I like to be out and about sometimes too. I always try to be flexible with whatever comes up!


  1. LOVE Amy! Great little peek into her life, thanks!
    Now I must go check out that clock...

  2. Amy is the BOMB! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Great interview!

    Gotta ask, why the Elvis picture? You don't mention anything about it.

  4. Amy is the best!! The thought of Mod Podge used to make me think it was only reserve for crafters in Martha Stewart's league, but Amy is the best at making it all look easy! Also, one of the nicest people!

  5. Amy is so fun!
    I just met her in person the other day and she's great in person, besides just her blog!

  6. Michele,
    I had to ask too and
    this is what Amy had to say about her fun Elvis pic:

    "That picture was taken at Graceland on a 2001 road trip from Seattle to Atlanta with my mom. I wanted her to capture me looking solemn by the grave. What can I say - I'm a goof."
