Thursday, December 24, 2009

Make: Our Holiday Cards

Designing Mom Tori had asked us to send in some of our holiday cards. I wanted to wait until the very last minute to post them, just in case they were still enroute to their recipients!

I'll be taking a little holiday break and back with more fun posts (and new contributors!) from all of the Designing Moms January 1. Until then, I leave you with some holiday cheer and greetings. May all of you have a very special holiday with your family and little ones!
xxoo, Cat

above: Of course, I am not surprised that Designing Mom Erika of Delphine would have such a special suite as her holiday card!

above: Designing Mom Tori with her family. Aren't they beautiful?

above: if this holiday card from Designing Mom Jackie isn't adorable enough, she finished it off with some gold glitter in the boys' bowls. I just loved it!

above: Designing Mom Lori's wonderful boys and holiday button card.

above: ...and the photo I decided to use of my mini-chubbo!

1 comment:

  1. nolan is sooo cute! i want to squeeze those cheeks...happy holidays!
