Thursday, September 24, 2009

What's in My Bag: Erika's Day Bag

by Designing Mom Erika

I gave up on carrying a small purse years ago (even before I had S) because I always carry a sketch book and pencils and reading material with me wherever I go. I don't like to sit and do nothing, and neither does my son, hence the toys that are in my bag at all times.

Here are the contents of my Delphine tote bag:

2. Pencil case from Paper Chase
3. Ticket stub from Objectified
4. Bright yellow cardigan from Old Navy
5. Granola bar
6. Kiehl's bag with mom essentials inside (wipes, mints, hand sanitizer, rubber band for my hair, lipstick, a mirror)
7. Favorite green mechanical pencil
8. A limited edition Delphine letterpressed business card holder
9. Gum
10. Match Box cars
11. A Monster truck
12. My business card
13. Favorite pink pen. I use it for editing
14. "Fruit" snacks for S
15. Orla Kiely wallet
16. iPhone


  1. erika. this is funny. i just sent in my post about what's in my bag and with a few interchangable delphine/libby dibby items - you and I could practically switch bags and be just fine.

    thanks for the peek!

  2. i wish the contents of my bag were as nice and neat and color coordinated as yours. i would be embarassed to take a picture of what's inside my purse. it would definitely includes lots of bread crumbs, random unmatched baby socks, receipts, gum wrappers, empty tupperware containers and stray bobby pins. no wonder i can never seem to find my keys in there!

  3. Thanks, everyone! Can't wait to see what's in your bags too!

  4. Iv got a bag gull of Card Games for you.....wanna See it?
