Monday, September 28, 2009

Make: Journals

by Designing Mom Jackie


4" x 6" index cards

2 or 3 pieces of 8.5" x 11" graph paper (or any other scrap paper)


pencil or butter knife

optional: computer printer or rubber stamps

1) If you want text on the cover of the journal you have a few options. You can hand write it, use rubber stamps, cut out letters/words from magazines/newspapers, or simply print the words/images directly onto the index cards directly. I used clementine font for mine and after a few tries, got the formatting perfect.

2) Fold each piece of graph paper into quarters and cut along the fold lines.

3) Place the pages together and fold.

3) Use a pencil or butter knife to create a consistent crease with all the pages.

4) Fold your index card in half and smooth down the left hand side with your pencil/knife.

5) Bind the book together with a standard stapler. I suggest three staples - one on each end and a third in the middle. Make sure the the smooth side of the staples are on the outside of the book so they don't catch on anything.

* For another variation on this project, readers can check out these postcard journals from Design Sponge.

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