Friday, September 4, 2009

Labor Day Homework

I don't know about you, but I am really looking forward to the long weekend! We'll be back Tuesday, but in the interim I was wondering if I could assign some Labor Day homework/feedback from ya'll? Don't know if you had a chance to read some of the perspectives from the Designing Moms in our first brief roundtable, but let me know if it's something you'd like to see more of! If so, please email ( or comment in on what kinds of questions, topics you'd be interested in hearing and chatting about.

With that...have a wonderful weekend with the kiddos and see you Tuesday!


  1. I just sent you an email with questions. LOVED the roundtable!

  2. i think it's a great idea, too, cat!

    happy long weekend!

  3. great emails everyone--thank you!
    i've got some really good ones to add to the mix and we'll be sure to do another roundtable soon.
