Monday, September 14, 2009

Giveaway: My April Snow earrings!

This is such a great giveaway because it's just for us (or a dear friend) ! To launch her new jewelry line, April from My April Snow is giving away these beautiful earrings to two winners. They're made of natural stones, Swarovski crystals and silver findings. So go ahead, indulge yourself and enter by commenting below. Don't we all deserve to pamper ourselves now and then with something nice and sparkly? To view her entire line of My April Snow click here.

The giveaway ends this Friday and is open to all Designing moms and readers. Please include your email so that I can contact you if you win.

What inspired you to create My April Snow?

I have always been interested in fashion and when I left the garment industry I knew that somehow I still needed and wanted to be connected to the fashion world. So I started to handcraft my own jewelry line and thus, My April Snow was born...

What have learned along the way?
Being in the fashion industry gave me the resources that I needed to create my own handmade jewelry line. I use quality materials for my line and have many people/friends to thank who allows me to have access to these materials. And of course they are all people/friends whom I have met through the many years O have been in the industry.

What's a day-in-your-life like?
I have two college aged kids who are my biggest inspirations. They support me a hundred and ten percent and are always an encouragement to me...
Because my kids are grown up, I have the luxury of having the whole day to myself and able to concentrate on designing/handcrafting each piece with love...


  1. the links aren't working to the site, but that first pair are stunning! i would love to win those!

  2. Gosh, those earrings are gorgeous! I would LOVE a pair! The links aren't working so I can't see the entire line. I'm sure they are all fantastic though. My email addy is
    Keep creating beautiful stuff!

  3. such beautiful work! i can't wait until the links are up so i can check everything out. congratulations on your new venture - what a great thing to do to help with empty nest syndrome. :)

  4. Thanks for letting me know! The links should be working now!

  5. I love the Ruby drop earrings, they're gorgeous!

  6. I agree!!!! What a nice little present for "mommy"
    hope I win ;)!

  7. these are stunning! would love to win!

  8. These are beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win. I'm new to your blog - found it a few weeks ago. I enjoy reading it. :)

  9. Maybe it will be my lucky Friday? The earrings are beautiful!

  10. These earrings are amazing!! I love them and I am inspired to try to make my own!! I doubt they would turn out so nicely!! Beautiful!! I would love a pair!!!

  11. I love them, it reminds me of Cherry Blossoms, so very pretty and delicate looking.
