Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Creative Life: Delilah Crown

I would bet money there's something magical in the drinking water around the Green/Grant Street sector of North Beach. Designing Mom Shinmin's I Dream of Cake gallery is there as well as Designing Mom Kate's original shop Ooma. I'm so happy to share with you another North Beach delight, Kristina of Delilah Crown! Kristina has created a wonderful line of wall art pieces (I love the little owl!) and is sharing a little slice of her creative life with us today.

What is the inspiration behind Delilah Crown?

Life inspires me, colors, fabrics, Japanese textiles, this colorful city and all the different cultures that make it up. Just walking around San Francisco gives me all sorts of inspiration. I love finding treasures in old junk shops, such as these Japanese wooden dolls from the 1940s .

Tell us a little about your new wall art pieces

My new passion, wall art, was inspired by combining woodland creatures, a touch of the seventies, and beautiful Japanese textiles. I wanted to create something to go in the living spaces of children that was not childish, something timeless that both the parents and children could enjoy. Animals can be cute, but also sophisticated depending on how they are executed. I came up with a collection of deer, owls, birds, etc. and screen printed them on sophisticated fabrics like buckwheat linen and Japanese chartreuse. I finish them with delicate handwork using gold lame, appliqué, and embroidery.

What do you love most about what you do?

What I love most about my job is that its always changing. I have the freedom to create what inspires me in the moment. I also love the tactile nature of my work. Sewing for me is very fulfilling. It is mostly rewarding to be able to work alongside my wonderful daughter, Gabrielle (Gigi). She works on her little sewing machine as I work on mine.

What about the challenges?

The biggest challenge is balancing my work with being a mom, and making sure I'm giving enough to both huge priorities in my life. This challenge, however, is also the biggest reward for my daughter and I. Having a mother who loves what she does and is always creating sets a wonderful example for Gigig and will leave her beautiful memories.

What's a typical day-in-your-life like?

The day begins with the typical household chores, getting us dressed, tidying up, packing lunches. Then we usually go to the Italian play group, swimming, or soccer lessons, and then off to the store. I work on new designs, and help customers, while Gigi plays or helps her mommy. Its a full day, but we love it!


  1. welcome to DM!!!!!
    what fun photos...

  2. i love all the photos and am so glad you are part of the group!
