Monday, September 21, 2009

A Creative Life: Bug Bites Playfood

I've always thought the best stocked play kitchens were filled with felt made foods. Not just because they are irrestible to look at, but because they are also eco friendly. Rebecca of Bug Bites Playfood is so creative with the little foods that she makes, just check out those little chocolates (click here to see the full collection). And be sure to check back later this week when she show us how to "Make" a felt cookie of our own!

Tell us about yourself:
My name is Rebecca Haacke, I am from the small but beautiful mountain town of
Wallsburg, Utah. I am blissfully married to my husband whom is also my best friend
& we have two amazing young children. I am an artist with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (3D)
degree from BYU-Hawaii. I love pottery, sculpting & watercolor painting & wish there
was more time in the day to do it all.

How did your business start?

I started Bug Bites Play Food 2 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter.
It was during the middle of the lead-toy recalls, & I was tired of throwing out my
son's toys in fear of lead contamination. I can't stand idle hands, so I thought I
would make him (& her) some toys that I knew were safe, fun & educational.

I love the idea that children can learn healthy eating habits through play, so I would sit in
the evenings "cooking up" new foods & thought it would be great to offer these to
other children - hopefully to rid toy-boxes around the world of mass-produced,
junk plastic toys, so I opened up my etsy shop & started selling.


  1. SOOOO cute! I love these!!! I was just talking to a friend about how you teach kids healthy eating without going overboard and being focused on the eating/food. Love the idea of learning through playing - the way it should be! : )

  2. I was just going to say the same! I have little felt "veggies" that I used to help my son and now he says "HI" to his carrots. that apple pie is so cute!
