Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Make: Digital Children's Book

Today's "Make" comes from one creative mama! Laina created this very special book for her daughter's first birthday using cherished objects around the house. I am in love with her clever use of Scrabble tiles and the bold use of colors or images. A true online heirloom!

I did see something similar, just a small blurb, in Cookie Magazine and was inspired to do something similar for Annabelle. Her first birthday had just passed so we had flowers and balloons all about the house and I wanted to capture those some way. I also wanted to memorize her favorites right around her first year; she's just begun having a favorite this or a favorite that. And ultimately I thought it would be advantageous to have objects she recognizes as she begins to learn their names.
Digital camera
Favorites and/or items around the house
Scrabble letters
Large sheets of white paper. For larger objects, a white wall
Simply stated, I built a book of words for Annabelle using objects with which my daughter is familiar (and that are often times her very favorite).
I snapped several shots of each object on a white background without using a flash. I also incorporated the use of Scrabble letters to identify each object and either captured that word as its own image or included it in the picture with the object.
From there, I uploaded the images to Shutterfly to build the actual book. The final product is currently featured on the company's community page.
I do think taking each photo on the white background lends a crispness to each image. I also like how clean the images look with the black background Shutterfly offers.


  1. so fun! can I ask if you printed this out and how you bound the book? i'm going to have to whip out the camera and give this a try.

  2. I left the book binding up to Shutterfly. They have a variety of book printing and binding options available on their website.

  3. DOes anyone know if there is a way to do it yourself without shutterfly or even a big binding job?

  4. Laina - you did such a terrific job! I seem to be able to make these sorts of treats for clients, but never for myself. Maybe Grace and I will tackle a project like this together when she gets a bit bigger... I bet it gets even more fun when the kiddos can be involved.

    But again, I'm so proud of you, this is fantastic lady! Great work... can't wait to see what you dream up next!
