Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday Fotos: Rowan's Big 2!

Today's Friday Foto belongs to Lori. What an absolute cutie! After reading this, I am definitely going to try and get some extra cuddles over the weekend. Happy Friday and weekend everyone!
We'll see ya on Monday.

By Designing Mom Lori:

My baby, Rowan, the Roe of Fin+Roe is turning 2 on August 30th. It’s so hard to believe my baby is turning 2 already. Since he’s most likely our last, it makes it even harder to take. He’s been a rough and tumble boy from the very beginning and not much of a cuddle bug so it’s hard to give up the idea of not having a baby to cuddle. I always say that when they turn 2 they’re no longer babies, but I’m not sure i can ever give up calling him my baby no matter how old he is.

Happy, happy, birthday to my special little man. we love you so much!


  1. roe will always be your baby! happy birthday to both of you!

  2. I already miss a cuddly baby and Wren is not even 8 months old yet.
    Maybe if you go bug him when he's sleeping? j/k

    Happy Bday Rowan!
