Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Fotos: 3 is the New 2!

This cutie is Designing Mom Guissell's son: "The first one I took yesterday when my son came back from Summer Camp at school. The Emmanuel 2 pic I took last week. He's in this phase now where he tells me what he wants to wear and doesn't like me to comb his hair anymore... the attitude of an almost 3yr old couldn't be depicted better than in these two pics. Somewhere I read that "3 is the new 2" as in the "terrible 2's" have extended themselves to 3 as well, I don't know but I surely hope not cause otherwise I'm in trouble! Ha!! I can only imagine, especially now that he can say sentences... But I should add that fortunately the amount of attitude is not a match to the amount of affection he shows me. I love my son!"

Have a great Friday and weekend everyone! See you on Monday.