Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Creative Life: Sweet Birdie

Jennifer's clothing line, Sweet Birdie, is so whimsically sweet and joyful... I am waiting eagerly for her to create a little boy's line so that I can partake in all of this! She was kind enough to contribute for our "A Creative Life" series and share some of her creations.

What is the inspiration behind Sweetbirdie?

Children's fashion! I don't think it gets any cuter than pint sized kids wear! I am a lover of eclectic kids clothing. Armed with with my love of Japanese and Swedish kids fashion books I hope to create clothing that little girls and boys want to wear!

For inspiration I look to the wonderful fabric designers that I am obsessed with and find that their imagination triggers mine! I hope to start designing my own fabrics soon.

What are the greatest rewards in your creative work?

With being new it is wonderful to be out and about and spot someone with something I make on! I have been sewing for 4 yrs now and nothing makes me swoon like seeing a little girl twirling in my dresses or skirts!

What about the challenges?

My biggest challenge is balance. I am a SAHM of a 3.5 yr old boy and a 2yr little girl. Trying to get the time in to create between nap times and play dates has been hard! I originally thought this would be a little thing and the WHAM it took off.

What's a day-in-your-life like?

GO-GO-GO from 7:30am -9:30pm it is a non stop toddlerfest. From food slinging to toddler dance party USA in my living room! When the kids go down I get a chance to fill a few orders and play with fabric swatches!

In the fall life will get less hectic with my toddlers in school. It will give me a chance to get some new designs out!


  1. boy clothes please! i love this needs to include handsome little boys! ;)
