Monday, August 3, 2009 Giveaway!

If you don't know already, Designing Mom Erika of Delphine Press designs beautiful letterpress work. Her work is also featured at and I am more than excited to start off the week with an awesome giveaway from them! If you haven't indulged yourself with some custom stationery, here's your chance.

Two winners will receive a set of thank you notes of your choosing personalized with your or your little one's name. To see Erika's full collection at click here!

To enter, just pick one (or one from her collection at Erika's designs below and tell us why it's your favorite! The giveaway will run all week and is open to readers and Designing Moms alike. Happy Picking!


  1. Do I have to pick only 1?!?! SO CUTE!
    I would pick the pink/green/brown card and add them to my sister's baby shower gift...her first baby {girl} will make her appearance soon. :) The nursery is in green and raspberry pink, so these would match. :)

  2. I LOVE number 1 with the elephant, but I'd have to go with number 11 since I have a little girl. The grandparents love getting updates from her and seeing her cute and in pink (at least until she get's more hair and we can do some great pigtails).

  3. #5 would be so cute for DS (but I'd love any of them for myself!).

  4. ooooo - i love all of your work, erika! i am going to have to go with number 5 because it's just so simple and classic - although i LOVE ALL of your designs! you can never start kids too soon on thank you notes. :)

  5. Gorgeous! I *love* the powder blue and lime cards on the other site. I have a small stationary addiction and this doesn't help :)

  6. I'm fanatical about elephants, so it would have to be #1. but I do so love the Celadon and Grey thank you card in her collection.

  7. 1. The luck little elephant.

    Stomp Stomp. His little feet exploring inside my belley.
    eeeeawwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaee. The announcement our son made as he was lifted into the light of our world.
    A set of big baby ears that i know your head will grow into.
    Long arms like his daddy, always up in the air waving, like the trunk of a luckly little elephant.
    Grandma sings "In the Jungle" and Grandpa places the inside border of his hand against his lips and blows strongly to make the trumpet sound, that makes the little man laugh.
    Well thought out master design: 21 blinks of your eyes and 9 little coos like the Blue and Brown bursts of joy...

    Everything about this card reminds me of my son, Quade Xavier Kelley.
    It would be an honor to have his first set of cards be designed by Erika at Delphine Press and printed by the

  8. I have to go with the elephant too---I love the detail and my house looks like an elephant went through it every day so....a close second is the Alexander one only because it's my son's name and I'd feel guilty not loving it!

  9. love number 1! adorable. my kids are crazy for elephants.

  10. I absolutely LOVE the illustrations! The lamb, elephant and giraffe are my favorite.

  11. I think that number 2 is adorable, but number 11 is fun too! Number 11 is perfect for the little girl I'm going to have in just a few short months. Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. I love the one with the elephant - my 3-month-old's nursery is decorated with elephants so this would be fun for all of those who bought him elephant items for his room!

  13. My favorite is #9 because its purple. I love purple. Its elegant looking. thanks.

  14. #7...Beautiful Butterflies!
    hope to win!

  15. My baby's birth announcement was all elephants. I love #1~

  16. #5 - Just says everything I live for....Plain and simple - straight to the point. Loving the new collection!!! :-)


  17. What a great giveaway! I love them all. But I have to pick favourites, it'll have to be 10!!!

  18. I like 6 or 9 for the lavender shades. Thank you.
    Anita /Ruiz

  19. My no. 1 is no. 10! But also coffee brown and hot pink is very "cool", because I love the graphic line. Thank's for the giveaway!!

  20. #2, I think the little blowfish is so cute but in a sophisticated design.

  21. the bright and happy #10 would be great for my collection :)

  22. I love so many! I really like the mommy cards with the pics on them!

  23. I love #2 - something about that little puffer fish's expression just gets me! :) I love all of Erika's work!

  24. I am very partial to Design #8 because it has a retro, home-textiles look that I find very appealing!

  25. Gorgeous work, Erika! I love #1. We love elephants around here and it is such a great design. Lovely!

  26. Ooooh! I love #5! So classic! They're all so gorgeous, it's hard to choose only one!

  27. i love love love #6, so adorable and sweet!

    breadofmany @ gmail . com

  28. no. 10- has a delicate design with modern twists and shock of color. I love color and love her work! I think the above comment could be used to describe my personality at times!! :)

  29. I love them all, but Puffball in blue is my favorite. Maybe it's because my kiddo and I watch Finding Nemo, like, EVERY SINGLE DAY or maybe it's just because that card is super freaking awesome. : )

    Hope I win!

  30. Love them ALL! I think the ones my girls would love best are on your site, the Hot Pink and Slate Blue & Turquoise and Orange flowers :)

  31. I love the puffball! Classic Delphine illustration work (gorgeous as usual) with a touch of whimsy that I love! SO CUTE!!

  32. My favorite is #6 it's ADORABLE!


  33. Oh my they are all so cute, but my fav is #10-simple and perfect!

  34. I love #1! They are sooo cute and perfect for my little son who loves it when you make elephant sounds.

  35. #1 My son LOVES elephants!!!!

  36. I love the elephant. My son loves elephants and he has a stuffie called ellie the elephant.
