Monday, July 13, 2009

Photography Tips for the Little Ones

By Designing Mom Erika

Like most women, I bought a new camera when I knew I was having a baby, but needed some help. I interviewed my friend Jessica Davis for some tips on capturing great photos at home, and also talked to her about maternity photography.

Erika: Why shoot a maternity session?
Jessica: Maternity Sessions for most woman are best between 30-36 weeks. There are few times in a womans life when her body will go through such amazing changes and so quickly. It is a documentation of a new life from the very beginning. The connection that a mother has prior to meeting her child is so precious. I cant think of another time when a woman just glows with happiness and beauty.

E: When is the best time to photograph a new baby for a birth announcement?
Jess: Newborns are ideally photographed in the first ten days after birth. They are still bendable, less likely to move alot and the baby acne has not set in yet.

E:What is your best trick for photographing babies?
Jess: Mornings! Babies are usually at their best right after a nap when they have a snack. They wake up refreshed and full of smiles.

E: Do you have some tips on capturing your toddler's personality in a photograph?
Jess: Kids are smart. They know when they are being photographed and would prefer to moving/playing rather than sitting still. Make it a game for them. If your daughter likes to dress up take pictures of her in her princess outfits. If your son loves playing in the backyard with his trucks, ask to play with him and take pictures at the same time. The idea is to not dress them in an outfit that doesn’t represent their personalities or that they don’t like. It will come across in the photos. Maybe your daughter loves dresses but you really want her in jeans.....photograph her in what makes her happy, she will be more likely to cooperate and her own unique personality will show in the photos. That is more important than her outfit.

E: Can you tell us a little more about how to style a photo? What backgrounds work best? What should we wear?
Jess: There is nothing cuter than a naked baby. When your baby first sits up is a great time for professional photos around 8-10 months. They can't crawl/walk away and they are so giggly and chubby.Keep it simple with clothing, you don’t want to look back at your photos 10 years from now and wonder, “what was I thinking”? Pay attention to lighting, you want even lighting. It will be more flattering on the skin. Go outside under a tree for shade so the family isnt squinting in the bright sunlight. Generally 1 hour after sunrise or an hour before sunset you can go almost anywhere for photos.


  1. I like the shots, the advice, and the crown by designing mom, ruby!

  2. those are some really great tips. I have a wiggler and it's so hard to get good photos these days!
