Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Creative Life: Susan Najarian

Today's "A Creative Life" is Susan Najarian who wrote to me about her intricate work in miniature encaustic paintings. Susan is also offering 10% off any of her 5"x5" Encaustic Paintings. Just mention "Designing Moms" and click here to see her collection!

Tell us a little bit about your work

I use photography as the ground, the photos are digitally manipulated and the images are then transferred to a wood frame covered in encaustic wax. Layers of wax suspend the photograph, altering the appearance to produce the ethereal, sometimes romantic feeling. The intertwined imagery appears to float, as if in a dream.

Encaustic is from the ancient Greek word that means to heat. It is the oldest form of painting. The medium consists of beeswax melted with a small amount of resin to impart hardness. This mixture becomes paint when pigment is added to the molten wax. I use the hot wax like paint and fuse layers of wax to a stable surface using a blowtorch or heat gun. Because it cools, (dries), so quickly, it is a fantastic medium for an impatient artist. In my online shop, I offer a variety of 5x5 inch paintings, which provide an affordable way to obtain an original work of art. These paintings are fantastic grouped together or can be displayed individually as in a sweet addition to a little ones room.

How do your surroundings influence your artwork?

I live on Bainbridge Island in WA; a quaint, beautiful, forested island in the Puget Sound and a short ferry ride from Seattle. I am constantly inspired by the nature that surrounds me and I incorporate many of these images in my artwork. I’m blessed to be married to a supportive and wonderful man and have three creative and beautiful children. We also have a cat and 10 pets that make our breakfast! (chickens).

What is a day-in-your-life like?

A typical day for me is getting up at 6:00. I have a cup of coffee and check my email. My three children ages 15, 11 and 8, go to three different schools that start and end at different times. (So it feels like grand-central here in the morning between the lunch and breakfast making and getting them ready and to the school bus on time.) If I’m lucky after my littlest one has left, I take a run through the forest or along the waterfront. When I get home I work on my art and do other business related work. The kids start getting home around 3:00 and then we begin the carpool to sports, piano lessons, dance, and other activities. When schedules permit, we all get together for an evening meal then it’s homework time and off to bed for a read aloud chapter in a book. After my younger kids are in bed, I do a little more work and in bed around 11:00. I am so grateful for this hectic yet perfect life.

1 comment:

  1. "Hectic yet perfect" -- isn't that true? What a great description of what it means to be a designing mom.
