Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Bloggin' Birthday!

I have to admit...the day after my baby was born I mourned that he was one day older. I shudder to think of the day he will turn the big "one!"

Designing Mom Jackie had a great idea to post our LO's Birthdays up on the blog. Send in a pic of your little one on their birthday and let's all celebrate (or in my case commiserate) together!

Jackie: "Our dear, chubby, silly, and lovely little Simon turned one on June 17.
We celebrated in L.A. last weekend (cake and all!) with friends and family."


  1. Happy Belated Bday Simon!
    Jackie...what a cutie :)

  2. How cute is he! He looks like a very healthy and happy 1yr old... congrats to the fam!

  3. Happy Birthday, Simon!! You are absolutely adorable!!
