Monday, June 8, 2009

A Creative Life: Marijke Bongers

I am so inspired by today's featured artist, Marijke Bongers because of the wonderful collaboration between mother and daughter. Marijke, a former wedding dress designer, is from the Netherlands and sent me a link to her intricate work as current multi-media artist and museum educator.

It's easy to see creativity runs in the genes as her talented 11 year-old daughter Caitlin has teamed up with her mom to write a blog about her love for making cupcakes and "plushie dolls." They will also have a soon-to-be Etsy shop that will feature some of Caitlin's "plushie doll" work (hmmm...I think I see the makings of a future designer here!).

above: some of Caitlin's creations. What a talented daughter!

Thanks for sharing with us Marikje!

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