Monday, May 18, 2009

Our Booklist: Flippy And Toadpole

Our second guest blogger for this week is Designing Mom Tori.
I know you'll be delighted to read about her fun picks for great books, children's art and DIY projects!

I recently met John Mese who is a of a friend of a friend and who happens to be an actor turned children’s book writer and publisher. He and his wife started their own publishing company along with an illustrator friend and have successfully been self publishing their books for the last several years. John is a very warm and friendly guy who is obviously passionate about what he does. When he saw that I was with my baby, he literally went to the trunk of his car to give us one of their books. How nice is that? I think that the quirky rhymes and illustrations are adorable - and kids love them, too!
We have the book, Flippy and Toadpole, which is all about how Flippy can be anything...such as a "Hippie Flippy", "Mud Flappy Flippy", "Sleepy Fleepy Flippy", and our current favorite: "Mighty Mississippi Flippy."

If you get a chance, stop by their website and visit their online store to peek on the inside of each book.


  1. Flippyis a bedtime favorite of ours.
    And my eldest first learned to spell M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i from it.
