Monday, May 4, 2009

A Creative Life: Treasure Hunt

By Designing Mom Jackie

For Graham's fourth birthday this summer, i am planning to have a big treasure hunt with all his friends. Yes, i am already thinking about this three months in advance. It's just my nature to plan, what can I say. I decided to try a treasure hunt with him today to see if he would understand the concept of a treasure hunt, as we've never really done it before. I gave him a blue box and asked him to help me fill it with treasures from our street. He was delighted! We found a green leaf, a white rock, an orange peel, an acorn, blades of grass, and a few other goodies. I'm thinking of making this a weekly outing that I will document and then put together in a book for G as a keepsake. Here are some pictures from today's outing. More to come!

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