Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Creative Life: Tour of Liberty's Home

by Designing Mom Liberty

I grew up in an ultra-modern white-walled home, the child of an industrial designer with architectural handwriting and a love for the tightest and cleanest of modern design. There was artwork everywhere and my parents regularly came home with new sculptures when they were on vacation. That's a funny thing to keep in mind when you look at the home my husband, Jay, and I have made.

When we were engaged, I was up to my eyeballs working on a team where we were designing a very sleek, mid-century influenced product line at Milliken (see here ) and I never would have imagined that Jay's love for old, worn and handmade things would overpower 25 years of appreciating the opposite. But our first home in Chicago was a 2-flat built in the early 1900s, and when we bought our first place, it was a tiny 1916 Craftsman bungalow in Oak Park, IL - which was the hometown of the Arts & Craft Movement and Frank Lloyd Wright .

That said, here you can see our 1922 Los Angeles Craftsman bungalow. We managed to find something that speaks to our time in Chicago, wears our furniture perfectly and pretty much feels like I walked into my own heart every time I come home.

I love living here. It's bright, and old with lots of quirks. (Kind of like us.... except for the old part).

1 comment:

  1. you know i love your home, liberty! these pictures really capture how warm and welcoming it feels to spend time at the worth's house. whether it's a pasta night with lots of people or a craft night for the girls, i always feel so comfortable and even inspired at your home. all of the fabric and artwork is what really inspires me about your home - not to mention all of the craftsman style details. i just love it.

    by the way, my favorite pics have to be the ones of the kids in action. those are amazing...
