Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Make: Sock Monkey Outfit

by Designing Mom Cathy

Just had to post a pic of Zane's beloved "Monkey Monk" in some very stylish clothes that Zane(a few days from being 6) helped make. Our neighbor Linda uses old socks to make doll clothes with her grandson and Zane was inspired to collect all of our holey socks and make clothes for Monkey Monk as well as all of his favorite dolls. I had to sew the pants with a few stitches, but Zane did all the cutting. This DIY project is "easy breezy lemon squeezy" as Zane would say.


  1. very cute. easy breezy is just my style since i can't sew to save myself.

  2. That is one very cute monkey and one adorable outfit!

  3. That monkey is sooo cute! Where did you get it? My little guy would love one!

    Just stopping by from your link on dollar store crafts. You have some really fun ideas!

    Would you mind if I did a feature on you on my site http://alittletipsy.blogspot.com?
