Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Make: Party Hat

Celebrations just won't do without a proper party hat. And Designing Mom Kate has created the perfect one to help her little Oscar celebrate his big "One"!

Make: Party Hat

by Designing Mom Kate

One year ago – I was uber pregnant and doing everything in my power to birth my baby on time (eating hot wings, makin’ love, scarfing hot fudge sundaes, acupuncture, massage). I was reading all the expecting books, reviewing my birth plan, meeting with my doula and getting excited for the big day. I kept wondering if I would know when labor started and how that would feel. But mostly, I just wanted to meet the little person growing inside of my body for all these months.

And now – that little person is turning ONE! This first year has been one of the most amazing and delightful and challenging and hilarious and sleep-deprived of my life. My heart has expanded and continues to do so every day as I fall more and more in love with Oscar.

We’ll be in Mexico for his 1st birthday – so I decided to make him a little party hat. I had some leftover denim from a botched hemming job that inspired the hat. I’m not as crafty as some of the moms here – but give me some cute fabric and some glue and even I can make something original and cool.

Kate’s steps to a cool party hat:

1. Buy a cheap card stock party hat at any party store

2. Un-staple it and use it to make a pattern for any fabric (I chose denim)

3. Cut out the number you’re celebrating in a contrasting fabric (I chose denim in reverse)

4. Cut out other designs (stripes, dots, shapes) in various fabrics/colors

5. Staple the hat back together with the main fabric.

6. Fabric glue your design onto the hat

7. Make a little hoo-haw for the top (I just chopped up a square of felt – bunched at one end and fanned out)

And voila! An easy, adorable, original birthday hat for your favorite little one.


  1. that is just about the cutest thing i've ever seen!

  2. happy birthday oscar and to you! great hat.
