Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Decorate: My Favorite Things

Here is Kate's addition to my question of "What's your favorite "thing" in your little one's room?"

Favorite Items in Oscar's room

by Designing Mom Kate

I have three:

(1) one is a darling vintage toy box we bought at the Alameda Flea Market. It holds all his little animals and smaller toys. I love that it has a little kooky clown on it. It’s so “kid” while being very cool retro.

(2) Teal blue chair I found at Salvation Army years ago (it used to be the “man chair” at ooma!) I use this chair for nursing – so it serves a purpose other than being the most delicious shade of teal and having the coolest gold “legs”.

(3) A circular frame from Target that holds various sized photos. We’ve filled it the various stages of Oscar and he gets the biggest kick out of looking at his own photos. It’s a great distracter come diaper changing time.

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