Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Creative Life: Print Pattern Paper

Rebecca of Print Pattern Paper emailed a sweet note over and I could not help but delight in her work! Here is her bio and some pics of her whimsical, uplifting work. Thanks for sharing Rebecca!

The Beginning:
I started my collage and altered imagery career at 15. My breakthrough piece "Globe" was created using my father's garage paint, applied liberally to my bedroom wall. Sadly, it did not receive rave reviews. (I was so grounded!)

However, I continued to pursue my passion by altering everything from canvas and books, to furniture, and even report cards.

The Post-College Years:
Looking for adventure, I packed up and moved to an island in Mexico to open a coffee shop and dedicate more time to my art. Mexico is very near and dear to my heart because this is where Art and Philanthropy was born. It was during my time in Mexico that I became involved with the Women’s Co-op and a fabulous organization that would later come to be known as PEACE.

I'm back in Wisconsin, where I was raised, in a lovely home in the woods. I share my life with my husband and two sons, Giovanni and Matteo (my creative consultants, editors and muses).

When we moved to our new home, Giovanni was afraid to sleep alone in his new room. I pulled out any art supplies I had available (everything was still in boxes) and made him a "protector dinosaur".
From there, print*pattern*paper was born and is a happy, growing company. In addition to the work you see here, I’ve continued my work with PEACE and other grassroots organizations generating thousands of dollars for women and children.

What’s next?
Inspired by daily life, you will most likely find me trying to finish my next design. (Which won't happen until I find my scissors, which are under a pile of laundry - of course). I hope you enjoy your print*pattern*paper creation as much as I enjoyed creating it!


  1. I had to hide our globe the other day b/c it keeps getting spun and broken by little fingers. I love that map...would be a great alternative and so lively to look at.

  2. Hello to a fellow Wisconsin designer! More and more of us keep popping up . . . Kira

  3. hi rebecca. i guess this blog is full of wisconsinites! welcome, from another! where are you located? good to know there are others in the area!

  4. I think art using paper is definitely one of my favourites ..

  5. They look pretty awesome! I love them.
